Women’s Economic Security

Investing in economic security is the most reported priority for Women’s Funding Network members around the world.

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Emergency fund helps women stay in college



building blocks for change

1. Education and workforce development
2. Financial literacy
3. Benefits and wrap-around services


Monique’s story


Shadura’s Story



girls know where to get money to start a business


Protecting Malawi’s Girls from Early Marriage


Maria's Story




Zip code 38126

Where 62% of adults + 76% of children live in poverty.



of Women’s Funding Network members invest in women’s economic security



people "like" medically accurate sex education

And are more economically secure because of it.


Goodwill adopts gender lens

And sees remarkable results in programing and in their own workforce.


Economic security =gender equity in agriculture



of people in Central Ohio associate women with family and men with career

This is a limiting gender norm. The Women’s Fund of Central Ohio is determined to change it.


Advocating for working mothers

Without subsidies, child care can cost minimum-wage workers in Erie County 75% of wages.


Ana’s Story


A bus pass out of homeless-ness


“Scars show... what made you strong.”

A girl’s self-esteem plummets at age 12. Quality out-of-school programming can help.


Mapping workforce change


Carleen's Story

Zero interest loans build female entrepreneurs



Chicago workers now have paid sick leave

Thanks to the “Earned Sick Time Chicago Coalition,” a partnership of community, faith, women’s advocacy, and labor organizations.


The results: 100% + 22 + 32K + 76%



women provided with education, job training, & employment


After 30 years, she finds college success


Minnesota’s Women’s Economic Security Act

Prioritizing women’s economic security as key to the overall economic security of the state.


Furaha’s Story


Helping 133 mothers battle addiction


Domestic abuse impacts economic security

Victorian Women's Benevolent Trust & Good Shepherd research reveals the long-term impact domestic & family violence has on a survivor's long-term economic security.


Economic security = a car + a degree



more diverse women leaders in Western Massachusetts



This is the median income for a single mom in New Bedford, Massachusetts.


Community colleges matter for low-income women


2160 Memphis women

From 2012 to 2015, 2160 women in Memphis received job training and job placement assistance.


Young + Old = Affordable Urban-Grown Food
